Don't Pay for Someone Else's Negligence

Fight for your due compensation after a slip-and-fall accident in Bay Minette, Birmingham or Selma, AL

After getting injured in a slip-and-fall accident, you may have significant medical bills to deal with. Not to mention you might not be able to work while you're recovering. Luckily, you don't have to deal with the physical, emotional and financial toll on your own.

Pilcher & Grissom is here for you. Our legal team has the knowledge and experience required to handle your slip-and-fall case. Make sure to document the time and place of the incident, and we'll get to work fighting for your right to fair compensation. Retain a slip-and-fall accident attorney in Bay Minette, Birmingham or Selma, AL today.

Hold the responsible party accountable

Slip-and-fall accidents are a common cause of injury in the United States. You may have a case for compensation if your accident was caused due to...

  • Torn carpeting
  • Insufficient lighting
  • Liquid spills
  • Unclear signage regarding hazards
  • Lack of safety equipment such as handrails
  • Uneven, unstable, cluttered or damaged flooring

Discuss the circumstances of your slip-and-fall accident with one of our lawyers today.